Community Guidelines

Community Guidelines

  1. No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or otherwise prejudice behavior or posts; Making any comments of the sort will result in an automatic ban.
  2. Do not include any software or files that could be considered harmful to users’ computers; We have a built-in filter for these sorts of things, but any attempts to bypass this filter will result in an automatic ban from posting and commenting.
  3. No bullying or harassment; This is a common sense rule, but it also includes overly negative comments on people’s post. People put a lot of effort into these uploads and some of our users are still learning. Be constructive in your criticism. If you’re not sure if what you’re about to post is bullying or harassment, ask yourself “am I being an asshole?”
  4. Censor any content that is NSFW (not safe for work); Beyond the fact that kids play this game, we want people to be able to browse this site wherever they are. NSFW posts are allowed, but the featured image must be censored and accurately labeled so anyone browsing the site knows that the mod / mod page is NSFW.
  5. No promoting your work on other modders uploads; We fully endorse promoting your work, and while the site does not have a built in commerce function, we allow users to include promotions to paid commissions or other sites, such as Patreon, where their mods can be placed behind a paywall. Modding can be a lot of work and we want to support people who choose to charge for it.
  6. Cite your sources and credit appropriately; If you reuse assets from another mod, or if you create a modpack that utilizes another modder’s work, ask for permission and credit appropriately. Violations may result in your posts requiring manual review and approval, or a full ban, if it’s a pattern of behavior. Users can report violations via the Contact Us page.

Whether a post is approved or rejected is at the discretion of SSBM Textures. However, if you follow these guidelines and generally post in good faith, your posts will be approved without issue. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in your posts requiring manual approval or an outright ban from posting or commenting on the site.

If you have broken one of these rules, or if you were wrongfully banned, you can always submit an appeal via the Contact Us page.